The 'Leaning Temple' in Taiwan

The 'Leaning Temple' in Taiwan
(Web Desk) - Chiayi County in Taiwan is home to a temple that has been named Taiwan’s version of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Typhoon Morakot devastated Taiwan in August 2009, the deadliest tornado in the island’s recorded history. It dumped an enormous amount of rain, causing massive mudslides and severe flooding across Taiwan. It caused massive damage and hundreds of deaths, but it also gave birth to one of Taiwan’s most unusual tourist attractions, the Taihe Zhenxing Palace, a temple tilted at about 45 degrees.
Until 2009, the colourful Taihe Village temple stood straight, but landslides caused by the massive storm affected it to slide downhill about 100 metres. The building miraculously survived, but it was still slanted.
Although the Taihe Zhenxing Palace is off the beaten path, it has seen an increase in tourists recently, credits to social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. It’s basically the perfect place to effortlessly recreate Michael Jackson’s iconic gravity-defying lean. Simply tilt the phone so that the temples are straight and you are leaning forward.
Earlier this year, photos and videos taken there went viral online, the Taihe Zhenxing Palace was even featured on national television and was called Taiwan’s version of Italy’s Leaning Tower of Pisa.